True or False? Three Art-Collecting Myths
There are many myths in the art world. It’s a world with an intimidating structure that thrives on making us feel uncomfortable, and on catering to a chosen clique. Of course, in no way does this help the vast majority of artists, who need their work to be accessible to as wide a range of people as possible, in order to sell and make a living from their work.
We believe in making it as easy as possible to get to know artists, and to buy their work.
In that spirit, here are three myths, are they true or false?
1. Art is Always Expensive
False, false, false!
You can pick up an original drawing or illustration for less than a hundred pounds, and a beautiful photographic print, printed to museum quality, for a few hundred pounds (like the gorgeous Teresa Freitas work we are showing at the moment). Small paintings, collages, woodcuts and textiles can also be very reasonable, like the examples in this article.
Instalment schemes - there are a few - allow you to spread the cost of your payment over a period of months. You'd be effectively spending as much as your monthly coffee habit, or gym membership, but buying something beautiful that will last you forever.
2. You Need to be Educated About Art
Definitely false ;)
You don't need to know a single thing about art to appreciate it and have it in your home. Yes, you might find it interesting to learn more about a particular artist, medium or period in art history, but it's purely optional.
If a work speaks to you, if it moves you, if it engages you, then that is enough. It’s also a bonus if it pleases your eye, but there is plenty of ugly art out there which is super-interesting, so you don’t even need to worry about that.
And if you want to know more about an artwork you see hanging on the wall, just ask. A good gallerist would love nothing better than to chat to you about the artist's work. This beautiful woodcut below, by our friend Jamie Smith, is part of a really interesting series and site-specific installation. It works brilliantly on its own, but the context makes it even better.
3. It’s a Big Commitment
True…ish. Buying art is a big commitment, but no bigger than buying a piece of furniture, and you wouldn’t stress out about that. Do some research — visit museums, galleries and sit at home looking online at platforms such as Artsy, Artnet and yes, Subject Matter. That way you can get a sense of what you like, what appeals to your eye and what medium (painting, photography, sculpture, collage) you would like to go for.
If there is a particular gallery whose style you like, get to know them — visit in person or email them. You can even get in touch with artists directly if their contact details are on their website or Instagram. Just bear in mind, if an artist is represented, they may prefer for you to communicate through their gallery.
Remember, more than anything, to trust your taste and your eye. Don't be swayed by others and don't worry about what people will think about the art you choose. One of my friends has an incredibly eclectic selection of art in her living room - a curator would never put those works together - and it looks amazing because the energy behind that collection is all hers.